It is as easy as making a cup of coffee
Eligible Startups can be exempted from paying income tax for 3 consecutive financial years out of their first ten years since incorporation.
Under Funds of Funds for Startups Scheme already more than Rs. 1600 crore is invested in 251 Startups.You may be one of the Startups for the remaining Rs. 8,400 crore corpus.
Exemption from prior experience or turnover and Security deposit for filing tenders
Opportunity to list Startup products on Government e-marketplace for market visibility.
Investments into eligible Startups by Accredited Investors, Non-Residents, AIFs, closely held listed companies may also be exempted under Section 56 (2) (VIIB) of Income Tax Act, 1961.
Fast tracking of Startup Patent application, Upfront 50% discount on Trademark fees, 80% Rebate on Patent filing fees.
Like the Rajasthan State GST rebate scheme, Many other Loan and Rebate Incentives are announced by different State Governments of India.
Certificate of Incorporation or Partnership Registration Certificate
Brief Write up on how the business is working towards: innovation, employment, wealth creation
Company PAN card
Website OR Company Profile Deck (Any One)
Get expert advisory from IIT-IIM Alumni to get yourself a Startup India certificate
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